File Size and Startup Time Comparison of Android Apps
I noticed that the apps I was making using App Inventor for Android were ending up being about 4MB in file size. So I decided to find out what size an app is when you use the Android SDK instead. It turns out that there is a considerable difference. A simple Hello World app made using the SDK is only 20KB, whereas one made using App Inventor for Android is 3.55 Mb.
I also found out that the startup time for the two Hello World apps differed. On my phone, the app made using the SDK opened maybe 1 1/2 seconds faster than the one made using App Inventor for Android. See below for more details.
I also found out that the startup time for the two Hello World apps differed. On my phone, the app made using the SDK opened maybe 1 1/2 seconds faster than the one made using App Inventor for Android. See below for more details.
Made with Android SDK
| Made with App Inventor for Android
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