
Showing posts from 2008

Adobe® Flex® Combobox: Selecting an Item Without Using SelectedIndex

In Adobe Flex, in order to select an item in a ComboBox, you use the .selectedIndex property. However, there might be times that you want to specify the item to be selected based on something other than it's position in the list. I have found two potential solutions: ComboBox2 from Ben Forta, Flex evangelist, is a ComboBox component which allows you to specify a "selectedValue" property.   VAComboBox  from Codieron, LTD. (BSD license) Copyright Notice: Adobe, and Flex are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

How to Generate Your Own Free Digital Signature

The Adobe® AIR™ Software Development Kit comes with a command-line utility that will let you create a free digital certificate.  Download and unzip the free Adobe AIR SDK . Open a command prompt to the "/ bin " folder in the sdk. Execute the command below which was adapted from the command shown on the Adobe Developer Connection . (Replace the highlighted text with your own values.) adt -certificate -cn YourCommonName 1024-RSA test_cert .pfx YourPassword Now open the "/bin" folder and you should see the file that was generated. Visit the Adobe Developer Connection for more details and how to sign an AIR applicatoin with your digital signature. Adobe Developer Connection:

List of Free Photo Gallery Software

Here is a list of free photo gallery systems that you can install on your website: Gallery Coppermine Gallery Plogger JetPhoto Studio Flash Gallery If you know of others that you like, please let me know.

Online MultiPlayer Games

Here are some online multiplayer games you might enjoy. TankMania Tribal Wars Globulos TrackMania Nations (Huge download, but worth it.) If you know of any other online multiplayer games (preferably free) please leave a comment.

T-Mobile to Unveil Phone Running Android Today

T-Mobile is set to unveil the phone running the Android platform today. PC World has a couple pictures you can take a look at to get an idea of what the HTC Dream phone to be sold by T-Mobile might look like. Also, go to ZDNet to read the opinion of Sam Diaz about Android .

Preventing XP from Shutting Down

Online Tech Tips has an article about how to prevent others from shutting down your computer running Windows® XP .

Android Links

Here are links to sites devoted to Android.

The Road to Icons for Developers

Follow these links if you are looking for icons to use in your projects. /

Lots and Lots of Web Operating Systems

I just ran across this very comprehensive list of web operating systems at Go check it out! Also check out these reviews of 10 web operating systems at FranticIndustries .

Software Makes Designing Interface Mockups a Cinch

I ran across a very interesting program last week. Balsamiq Mockup makes it easy for users to create mockups of web pages or software interfaces.

Breath Deep with Another Runtime Environment

Adobe® AIR™ is a runtime environment that lets you use your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills to make desktop applications as well as web applications. You can also use Flex® and Flash®. There is an SDK that comes with a debugger. I tried it out last night and after looking through the readme file and messing around with things, I was able to run a simple calculator that I built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Go to the marketplace to check out other AIR applications . Copyright Notice: Adobe, AIR, Flash, and Flex are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.

How to Update a Website using PSPad

If you have a website but you don't know how to update it and you don't have anyone else to manage it for you, then you might be interested in this article.

Protocol Buffers, an XML Alternative from Google

Thanks to BetaNews for reporting on Protocol Buffers. Head over to Google to read about this alternative to XML.

Show Your Email Address To Humans But Not to Spiders

Using Javascript you can show display your email address on your website in a way that humans can read it but web spiders can't. (That is my argument anyway.)

Remove the Space Before and After a Form Tag

You can remove the space that gets put before and after an HTML <form> tag by simply adding some CSS like this: <form style="margin:0px;"> .

Firebug for Firefox. Fabulous!

Firebug is an addon for the Firefox web browser. It is a useful tool for web-developers. You can use it to debug javascript, CSS issues, observe AJAX requests and more. Head on over to the Firebug website and try it out.

3D Cubed Desktop Managers

3D window managers allows for your computer desktop to become 4 (or more) virtual desktops which you can rotate around as a cube. You simply rotate the cube around to choose the desktop you want to use.

ASP.NET Lesson 2 - Processing Forms

In this tutorial you will learn how to process a form using ASP.NET. You should have already been through the first tutorial at this point.

ASP.NET Lesson 1 - Getting Setup

Here you will learn what to do to setup your computer to begin developing ASP.NET web pages.

Computer Shortcuts for Cutting Time

Using shortcuts can save you time and frustration. Use these ones while you work on the computer. Remember to bookmark this page so you can come back to it easily.

Shortcut for Accessing the System Properties Window

In Windows®, with the System Properties window you can: see how fast your processor is, change your computer's name, adjust your visual settings and more. You can access the System Properties window by using shortcut keys or by finding it in the Start menu.

2 Ways to Close a Program that is Not Responding

In Windows®, every once in a while a program might freeze up on you. There are two ways you can close a program that is not responding. Next time a program freezes up on you, try one (or both) of the following methods:

DesktopTwo (An Online Desktop)

I found out about Desktoptwo, an online desktop with a file manager, music player, and more; while checking out the Web 2.0 awards at .

Disabling Startup Programs

Here is a handy tip for when your computer gets too bogged down. You can disable some programs from starting up when your computer starts up.

4 Tips for Better Browsing

Here are some handy ways to speed up or make your Internet browsing experience better.

Creating an Android Project

Here is a video of Dan Morrill explaining how to use Eclipse to develop a simple Android application that lists contacts and lets you click one to make a phone call. To learn more about Android, visit:

Videos of Google's Operating System for Mobile Phones (Android)

Read an article on .

PHP Lesson 2 - Processing Forms

In this lesson you will learn how to use PHP for processing a form that could be used in real-life scenarios.

PHP Lesson 1 - Getting Setup

This is the first of a series of PHP tutorials. This first lesson explains how to setup your computer to begin programming PHP.