Introducing IWASNUTS: It's a Web App Starter for Node Using TypeScript and Sass

I want to introduce you to my new open-source project called IWASNUTS: It's a Web App Starter for Node Using TypeScript and Sass

This project is meant for for getting developers off the ground quickly with basic boilerplate code. Currently it is tailored toward a VSCode environment. It is a work in progress, but so far I have TypeScript and Sass compilation using Gulp tasks, along with Express, Express-Session, BodyParser, and EJS templating. I will be adding a login mechanism and a forgot password email function -- hopefully soon.

I want to keep it to the basics, so I probably won't be adding sample database connectivity since there are too many different options.

As always, I'm open to feedback -- especially if I can make something more efficient or if I have done something the wrong way.

If you like where the project is headed, please star it on GitHub. Enjoy!


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